Art Director

We are Resilient

We are Resilient | OSLOFF2020


Client: HRF (Oslo Freedom Forum 2020)


Agency: Buena- The Good Cause agency


Produced in: September 2020

Each year, the Oslo Freedom Forum community gathers in Norway to witness powerful stories from some of the world’s most innovative human rights defenders and advocates. But exceptional times call for exceptional measures. This year, the Oslo Freedom…

Each year, the Oslo Freedom Forum community gathers in Norway to witness powerful stories from some of the world’s most innovative human rights defenders and advocates. But exceptional times call for exceptional measures. This year, the Oslo Freedom Forum had to do completely virtual. We reworked on this year’s theme and make the virtual conference a hit. We can proudly say we were part of Resilience 2020 amidst the pandemic.

2020 Theme Resilience

The political and health crises of the past six months have reminded us all how authoritarians use human tragedy to advance their own agendas. Corrupt regimes around the world have exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to tighten restrictions on free speech, arrest peaceful protesters, and silence activists. The courage and determination of activists and citizens alike have been tested, yet they remain resilient in the face of tyranny. Resilience is the essential attribute of today and the future. 


Register for the Oslo Freedom Forum at Each year, the Human Rights Foundation brings together activists from across the world t...

Oslo Freedom Forum | A Human Rights Foundation event series that brings people together to expand freedom and unleash human potential.


We’re bringing the main stage experience directly to you as we gather to witness these activists sharing their personal stories with the world.


Uyghur journalist Gulchehra Hoja has not been able to return to Xinjiang Province to visit her family in nearly 20 years. In her Oslo Freedom Forum talk, she...
Ahmed Albasheer is an Iraqi comedian and political satirist. He is the host of The Albasheer Show, a weekly political satire program that humorizes Iraqi pol...
In November 2019, protests broke out against the dictatorship in Iran. The response of the Islamic Republic of Iran's dictatorship was a brutal crackdown on ...

HRF created the Oslo Freedom Forum to bring the fight for freedom to the forefront of the global agenda. Each year, the event showcases the testimonies of individuals who have risked their lives for freedom. With a focus on civil and political rights, this annual gathering exemplifies the resilience and nobility of the human spirit.

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Human rights activists with incredible stories.

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What The Media is Saying

“A Davos for revolutionaries… Where activists who have overthrown dictatorships meet activists who want to overthrow dictatorships.”

The Guardian

“High-profile summits aren’t just for glitzy politicians and jetsetters anymore. Activists, journalists, artists and dissidents meet in Oslo to share revolutionary ideas.”


“A spectacular human-rights festival.”

The Economist


Chief Good Officer : Doug Burnett

Creative Team

Art Director : Shivani Shah

Account Director : Grace Wachira

Copywriter/CD : Doug Burnett

Category : Virtual Revolutionary Conference