Art Director
Nick Ferrucci - Flush (Cloud Paper) [COMMERCIAL].gif

Flush campaign

Flush - Earth Day Campaign

Client: Cloud Paper Agency: Buena- The Good Cause Agency, Portland Produced on: 13th April2021




Ashton Kutcher


“A direct hit at Toilet paper industry giants and their use of old-growth forests.”

“Flush is Thank-fully, completely fake.”


If everyone switched to bamboo TP, it would literally save billions of trees from the chopping block. So, we did something crazy!!!!!


On April 13th,2021 we launched a fake brand of toilet paper: FLUSH PAPER

A Fake Founder + Fake Products + Fake Office

And people hated us! Not kiddinnnng.


We got attention from Robert Downy Jr. & the team. Woot!


And on 21st April, a day before Earth day we did this: The BIG REVEAL

Co-founders: Ryan Fritsch & Austin Watkins

Category: Brand-Social, Social Cause

Chief Creative Officer: Doug Burnett

Head of Operations: Tori Kiss

Art Director: Shivani Shah

Operations Coordinator: Neha Salgaonkar

Account Manager: Grace Wachira

Account Lead: Neil Roy